21st Century Capabilities

AI and Strategic Foresight Applied to the Australian VET System and Qualification Reform

AI can mean Appreciative Inquiry as well as Artificial Intelligence, and visiting the USA earlier this year, it has become very clear about the things that are working well in Australia’s VET system, where applying this Appreciative Inquiry methodology asks how we amplify these strengths. So, what are some of the components of VET in […]

AI and Strategic Foresight Applied to the Australian VET System and Qualification Reform Read More »

Professional Development Days on 21st Century Skills and Future Work

FMPLLEN Professional Development Day Thank you very much for your presentations at our PD Day last week. We have received some fantastic feedback – great keynote!\ Around 70 people attended the combined Professional Day for Frankston Mornington Peninsula LLEN on Friday 27 July 2018 at Hastings where Workforce BluePrint presented a key note and workshop on 21st Century

Professional Development Days on 21st Century Skills and Future Work Read More »

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