Leading by Example: Global Models of Vocational Excellence in VET and TVET Centres

Australia’s Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector is undergoing transformative change. Recent government announcements underscore the importance of TAFE Centres of Excellence (TCoEs), alongside many providers, as key drivers in building a skilled and future-ready workforce. These centres aim to embody collaborative partnerships between industry, education, and government, producing graduates with the high-quality skills demanded […]

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Recommendations for Australian VET System Reform and VET Workforce Blueprint

Australia’s Vocational Education and Training (VET) system is indeed complex and complicated, with a multitude of providers, qualifications, and funding arrangements. This blog post and draft towards a paper, is written by Wendy Perry, Managing Director, Workforce BluePrint; Entrepreneurship Facilitator – Switch Start Scale; Facilitator, Sea to Valley Startups; with 28+ years’ experience in VET

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Where are the Countries that Standout in Vocational Education and Training?

It is difficult to identify the “best” country in the world on vocational education and training (VET) as each country has its own unique strengths and challenges.  However, there are several countries that are widely recognised as leaders in VET, including Switzerland, Germany, Austria, and Singapore. Switzerland has a highly-regarded vocational education and training system

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Germany’s TVET Dual System Explained

A unique training system known as the “dual system” of Vocational Education and Training (VET), combines practical on-the-job training with classroom education. Here’s how it works: Dual Training Contract: The dual training system starts with a dual training contract between the apprentice, the training company, and the Chamber of Industry and Commerce.  The contract outlines

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Which countries are leading VET/TVET?

Many countries have long-term national skills development plans to address the changing needs of their economies and workforce.  Here are some examples: Singapore: The Singaporean government’s SkillsFuture initiative aims to provide citizens with the skills and training they need to stay employable and relevant in a constantly changing job market. South Korea: The Korean government

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Who are the Real Beneficiaries of VET/TVET Now and Into the Future?

The beneficiaries of Vocational Education and Training (VET) or Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) are diverse and can include: Individuals: VET/TVET provides individuals with practical skills and knowledge that prepare them for the workforce.  This can help to increase employability, earning potential, learning and career prospects.  Individuals can benefit from VET/TVET regardless of

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Why is Skills Development Important to a Country?

Skills development is important to a country for several reasons: Economic growth: A skilled workforce is essential for a country’s economic growth.  As industries evolve and new technologies emerge, workers need to have the skills and knowledge to adapt and remain competitive in the global marketplace. This can drive innovation, increase productivity, entrepreneurship and create

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How Can Australia’s VET System Be Simplified and Streamlined?

Australia’s Vocational Education and Training (VET) system is indeed complex and complicated, with a multitude of providers, qualifications, and funding arrangements. However, there are several ways to simplify and streamline the VET system: Reduce the number of qualifications: The current VET system has numerous qualifications, which can be confusing for both students and employers.  Streamlining

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The 4th Industrial Revolution: The Relevance of Entrepreneurship Education

Background UNESCO Bangkok and The Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education & Training (KRIVET) are conducting a study on the 4 th Industrial Revolution and TVET: The Relevance of Entrepreneurship Education to contribute to the development of vocational education and training systems in the Asia-Pacific region, with a special focus on Entrepreneurship Education. The specific

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