
Where are the Countries that Standout in Vocational Education and Training?

It is difficult to identify the “best” country in the world on vocational education and training (VET) as each country has its own unique strengths and challenges.  However, there are several countries that are widely recognised as leaders in VET, including Switzerland, Germany, Austria, and Singapore. Switzerland has a highly-regarded vocational education and training system […]

Where are the Countries that Standout in Vocational Education and Training? Read More »

Which countries are leading VET/TVET?

Many countries have long-term national skills development plans to address the changing needs of their economies and workforce.  Here are some examples: Singapore: The Singaporean government’s SkillsFuture initiative aims to provide citizens with the skills and training they need to stay employable and relevant in a constantly changing job market. South Korea: The Korean government

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