Addressing Long-Term Unemployment in South Australia: Insights and Recommendations to the South Australian Productivity Commission

For 22 years, our private company has been dedicated to addressing the challenges faced by disengaged and long-term unemployed individuals across 32 different countries. Responding to the complex questions surrounding this issue with a Submission to Inquiry into Positioning All South Australians to Share in the Benefits of Economic Growth requires empathy, strategic foresight, and a deep understanding of the real-life experiences of these individuals.

Understanding the root causes of long-term unemployment in South Australia requires stepping into the shoes of those affected. Rather than using bureaucratic terms like “barriers” or “joblessness,” focus on the everyday language and experiences of these people. It’s essential to frame solutions in a way that makes sense to those who are out of work.

Root Causes and Regional Dimensions

South Australia has a relatively comfortable lifestyle for many, yet certain locations suffer from a lack of opportunity, low motivation, and the consequences of prolonged unemployment. To address this, a comprehensive mapping exercise comparing the needs of long-term unemployed individuals with the demands of employers and industries is crucial. This will help identify gaps and inform the creation of a strategic workforce action plan.

Practical Career Advice and Experiential Learning

Career advice in schools is common, but its practical application varies. The most effective programs allow students to try out different jobs and careers through action-based, experiential, and workplace learning. This hands-on approach helps students better understand job roles, industry sectors, and workplace environments.

Innovation in Education

There’s room for more innovative educational programs, such as the Australian Science and Maths School’s Dream, Design, Develop course. This program, in which we’ve participated, encourages students to dream up career opportunities, design personalised learning programs, and develop projects that add value to their futures.

International Examples and Successful Programs

International examples are the work of Jobs for the Future, Aurora Institute, Lightcast, Austin Community College, California Workforce Development Board, Employ Prince Georges, and Northern Cass Public School District, where Workforce BluePrint has connections.

Policy in Action

South Australian Government policy can play a role in supporting more South Australians to access the education and acquire the skills they need for secure, high-paying work by:

  1. Developing an aspirational future workforce vision for the state that all agencies and stakeholders are working towards.
  2. Creating a Personal and Professional Development Fund would help to bridge the gaps on the very practical help that long-term unemployed people and those returning to the workforce need.
  3. Mapping all the supports and services available, proving information to long term unemployed people and stakeholders, so they are aware of what is already in place; and
  4. Maintaining an up to date list of jobs in demand and locations (including remote work) with careers in growing industry sectors such as Agriculture, Banking & Finance, Building & Construction, Civil Construction, Community Services, Creative Industries, Cyber Security, Defence & Space, Disability, Early Childhood and School Education, Employment Services, Energy & Hydrogen, Events, Food & Wine, Government, Health, Higher Education, ICT, Manufacturing, Mining & Resources, Sport & Recreation, Small Business, Telecommunications, Tourism, Vocational Education & Training (VET), & Water sectors.

Recommendations for South Australia

  1. Aspirational Workforce Vision: South Australia needs a future workforce vision that all agencies and stakeholders can work towards. This vision should be developed using Strategic Foresight methodologies and flow into a Strategic Workforce Action Plan, including strategies for tapping into the latent workforce and addressing remote and outsourced jobs.
  2. Youth Action Plan: South Australia’s Youth Action Plan to 2026 should include strategies for education, employment, entrepreneurship, and engagement, with specific actions for adolescent boys related to health, mental health, crime, and substance abuse prevention.
  3. Personal and Professional Development Fund: Establish a fund to support long-term unemployed individuals and others in difficult circumstances with expenses related to job readiness and personal development, such as car repairs, clothing, and health appointments.
  4. Community of Innovation: Develop a ‘Community of Innovation’ involving stakeholders working with South Australians in careers, employment, education, and entrepreneurship. An independent facilitator with expertise in community practice and ecosystem approaches should lead this initiative.
  5. Leveraging Investments and Opportunities: Utilise investments and international opportunities to share knowledge and build connections, particularly in emerging sectors like innovation, renewables, defence, and space. For example, leveraging relationships formed through events like SXSW and sister city collaborations can provide insights into future job roles and workforce requirements.
  6. Feedback on VET Products: Provide feedback to Ministerial colleagues and relevant bodies on the urgent need to update VET products to align with future job market demands.
  7. Tapping into the Latent Workforce: Encourage employers to consider reshaping jobs and reaching out to previously overlooked talent pools to meet their workforce needs.

By focusing on these recommendations, this will help position South Australia to share in the benefits of economic growth and address the persistent issue of long-term unemployment.

For more details, refer to the Submission to the Inquiry into Positioning All South Australians to Share in the Benefits of Economic Growth and if you’d like a copy of the full submission, email, thank you.

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